User Rating: 6.2/10.
Director: Alexandre Aja.
Writer: Alexandre Aja & Grégory Levasseur.
Release Date: 15 August 2008.
Genre: Horror | Mystery | Thriller.
Runtime: 110 min.
Country: USA | Romania.
Language: English.
Ben Carson (Kiefer Sutherland) ha tenido días mejores. Ha pasado casi un año desde que el inestable detective fuera suspendido de su trabajo en el Departamento de Policía de Nueva York tras haber disparado fatalmente a otro policía que trabajaba de incógnito, un accidente que no sólo le costó su empleo, sino que le llevó al alcoholismo y desató la ira que le alejó de su esposa e hijos, teniendo que pernoctar ahora en el sofá de su hermana (Amy Smart), en Queens. Ansioso por superarlo y reunirse de nuevo con su familia, Carson se emplea como vigilante nocturno en las calcinadas ruinas de los almacenes Mayflower, devastados por un gigantesco fuego que se cobró muchas vidas inocentes. Mientras Carson patrulla por los espeluznantes y chamuscados restos de los almacenes Mayflower, advierte algo siniestro en los fastuosos espejos que adornan sus paredes. En su inmenso cristal se reflejan unas imágenes terroríficas que le inquietan profundamente...
In New York, the former NYPD detective Ben Carson is hired to work as night watch of the remains of the Mayflower Department Store that was partially destroyed by fire many years ago. Ben became alcoholic and was retired from the police force after killing a man in a shooting. His marriage was also destroyed and now he is living in the apartment of his younger sister Angie. However he has not been drinking for three months and sees the employment as a chance to rebuild his life. When he goes to the rounds in his first night, he finds that the mirrors are impeccably clean and his colleague explains that the former night watch was obsessed by the mirrors. After a couple of nights, Ben sees weird images in the mirrors, but due to the lack of credibility of his past, his ex-wife Amy believes he has hallucinations as a side effect of his medication. When Angie is found brutally murdered in her bathtub, Ben discovers that there is an evil force in the mirror that is chasing him and jeopardizing his family.
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