Dog Gone (2008)

Posted by Niko319 6/07/2009

User Rating: 4.0/10.

Director: Mark Stouffer.
Writer: Dennis S. Johnson & Mark Stouffer.
Genre: Comedy.
Country: USA.
Language: English.


Un famoso ladrón de diamantes y dos de sus cómplices, se detienen a lo largo de la carretera, donde Owen, un miño 12 años de edad, ve maltratar a su perro. El niño interviene para ayudar al can, pero este se escapa en el bosque. con la ayuda de los matones enojados, se inicia la búsqueda del animal en lo mas profundo del bosque. Owen encuentra al perro y se esconden en secreto en el bosque, tras conocer la identidad de los ladrones, el bosque se encuentra ingeniosamente enriquecidos con trampas y mecanismos de defensa para repeler a los intrusos.

A notorious diamond thief and two dim-witted accomplices stop along the highway where 12 year-old Owen sees them mistreating their dog. The boy intervenes to give the thirsty dog a drink, but it escapes into the woods. He helps the angry thugs search for the animal deep into the forest, then ditches them. Owen finds the dog and they hide out in his secret fort, ingeniously fortified with booby traps and defense mechanisms to repel intruders. Bravely, his fort is built atop the ridge where the feared "Madman of the Mountain" is said to live.
Desperate to retrieve their $5 million in stolen jewels stashed on the dog, the thugs catch up with Owen, and a terrific battle ensues. Can one kid with a tricked-out fort protect an animal from three determined thieves? And is the legendary Madman of the Mountain real? Kids of all ages will delight in the fast-paced action and comedy this heart-warming tale delivers.


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